Thursday, May 17, 2012

Damn..a year already

Ok, here is the short verison of what has happend in the last year...I left the Sheriffs Office, and joined the Rigby City Police Department.  Lynne has gone to school and graduated and is now working and kicking some serious ass doing hair at Mia Bella Hair Salon.  There was just an election for Sheriff and it was pretty close.  Jeff Poole almost knocked Sheriff Blair Olsen out of office. 

Lynne went out and got knocked up by someone again.  I wish she would stop doing things like Tori and Riley are getting bigger each and every day...

So that is the very very short story of the last year!!

I will try and keep up on this blog of mine more and keep it going in case someone someday would like to read it.  I will get pictures up as well soon. With that said....I'm out!!